Post Archives

David Parker
January 16, 2013


A couple of questions regarding Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” 1. If the most basic need of a human being is PHYSIOLOGICAL (food, water, shelter, & warmth), then why do individuals risk that most basic need in pursuit of BELONGING & LOVE? -and- 2. If the second most basic need of a human being is SAFETY, then […]

January 8, 2013


…takes place IN COMMUNITY!!! I understand how time-consuming, taxing, tiring, monotonous, etc. setting up and tearing down a gathering space can become over time, but I also understand that when folks are serving alongside one another to transform a gathering space, another type of transformation is taking place under the surface: LIFE TRANSFORMATION! I ABSOLUTELY […]

January 3, 2013

SOUL DETOX – Sundays in January

It seems the majority of our New Years Resolutions revolve around our physical bodies, possessions, and mental capacities: Lose this much weight Start working out Take up a new hobby Get my spending in order etc. / etc. / etc. But what about our souls?

December 18, 2012


What’s your earliest Christmas memory? Believe it or not, mine involves a police car.  I realize that police cars and Christmas don’t typically have much in common (with the exception of the flashing red and blue lights), but in my case, they go together quite naturally. MY EARLIEST CHRISTMAS MEMORY When it comes to Christmas I’m a […]

December 11, 2012


…are a GOOD thing!  Though this post will undoubtedly be brief, and it’s very likely that you’ve heard it all before, I’m convinced it’s worth repeating time and time again (even if it’s solely for my benefit…a gentle reminder…)… SummitLIFE exists to, “Welcome the Community of Sedona into Community with God, One LIFE at a Time.” […]

December 5, 2012


  The Fonz (circa 1974-84) had a way with words, didn’t he?!?  He was as cool as cool could be…never dropped a dime in the jukebox, always had a chic (or two) on his arm, black-leather-jacket…’nuf said.  All the guys on Happy Days wanted to be like the Fonz, after all, he was pretty much, […]

November 27, 2012


Have you ever considered that each of our lives is its own story in progress?  We’ve each been entrusted with the privilege & responsibility of serving as co-author in our personal story.  I say “co-author” because the truth of the matter is, the pages and chapters of our lives aren’t written solely by us…nor are they written solely for us. […]

November 19, 2012


With 41 folks at our Gathering, this past Sunday marked a milestone for the Community of SummitLIFE…and for that, I’m thankful!  We’ve been gathering on a weekly basis unofficially now for 15 weeks, yesterday marking our 6th gathering at The Elk’s Lodge.  The topic of our discussion?  Buckets.  That’s right, buckets.  The basic premise of the […]

November 13, 2012

…SummitLIFE more ABUNDANT!!!

SummitLIFE: where broken, incomplete, imperfect people can come together, shed the masks, and experience LIFE more ABUNDANT!!!

November 6, 2012


While biking at the freestyle park yesterday with my 8-year-old son, my right knee reminded me that I’m no longer a teenager…

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