Posted by David Parker

A couple of questions regarding Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”

1. If the most basic need of a human being is PHYSIOLOGICAL (food, water, shelter, & warmth), then why do individuals risk that most basic need in pursuit of BELONGING & LOVE?


2. If the second most basic need of a human being is SAFETY, then why is it that many of those who are provided for physiologically and are quite secure put themselves in harms way, oftentimes to the point of taking their own lives, for lack of BELONGING & LOVE?

Inclusive Education
Figure 1. Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. (From Maslow, A. (1970}. Motivation and personaIity (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row

Might it be that the Scriptures, “Let us make man in our image…” & “It is not good for man to be alone…” carry a deeper significance than physiology or psychology can uncover with microscopes and evaluations?

Have a desire for BELONGING & LOVE? Sure you do!



  1. Michelle says:

    I haven’t met a human being yet who’s completely content with their basic needs met and a sense of security. We were crafted with an innate desire that longs for community and not just any community, but first, community with our Creator and Savior. Without this ultimate security we will wander and wonder our entire lives.

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