Posted by David Parker

I absolutely LOVE hearing stories of how GOD STILL SPEAKS.  With her permission, here’s a post that a great friend (and soon-to-be Creative Arts & General Ministry Intern right here within the Community of SummitLIFE) posted.  Yes, GOD STILL SPEAKS! Are you listening???

Here it is…as she posted it:

My Story… The Next Chapter
by Alicia K (Notes) on Monday, July 1, 2013 at 10:22am

“God’s going to do more for you than you could ever do for them.” The mind boggling words of truth that ring in my ears to this day. This is what someone told me just before the beginning of this year. Just before my very first missions trip. Just before a beautiful life change occurred. Just before I let go, and let God.

I was almost offended when those words were said to me. The whole point of a missions trip is to helllooo, HELP PEOPLE! I just wanted to punch who said that! Did they doubt My capabilities? I planned on giving these people my everything, And I did!!!

This trip, to the Dominican Republic, was 100% about me giving up control. I was going to die in every single one of the plane rides. If I didn’t die in the 2nd I was surly to die in the 3rd. I downloaded apps on my phone so I could stay in touch at home, even if I had no service. Not knowing where I was, I felt lost all the time! I was a big ball of anxiety with no where to put it except  prayer.

I worked with the most amazing leadership within G.O. Ministries. I ate the most delicious food and met the poorest people I had ever met, in my life… “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” -Jesus. The poorest people, but so incredibly rich in Christ. I experienced some of the hardest feelings when it actually did hit me; there was more to do there than I could ever do.

I left with the reality that every single man, woman & child I met or even shared a smile with, had just done more for me than I could have ever done for them.

I want to serve. I want to serve my brothers and sister because there is no greater joy than helping those in need.

As I returned I prayed for continued opportunities to serve, whether here in Illinois or where ever else God takes me next. Well he opened up an opportunity here when a family needed a place to stay. I packed up and traded in my apartment for a couch and saw that as a complete answer to prayer. Sacrifice is the ultimate show of love and selflessness. I believe it’s when we are at that place that God can use us the best. So I continued to pray, as I sat on that couch, ” God please continue to give me opportunities to serve you whether it be here or somewhere else, show me and make it known.”

***BuZz bUzZ*** I’ve got a text message!

It said, “I’ll cut to the chase. Would you be at all interested in serving in a Creative Arts role with SummitLIFE as an intern? It would mean: (Blah blah blaah….) Definitely a stretch! Talk with God about it and we’ll be doing the same!” -Dave Parker

“Whoa ok God was that you?”.  I said in my mind, when the Parkers left, I would not go unless I was asked. So I began praying intensely & purposefully. Begging God to be so direct & specific with his answers that it would be like they were hitting me in the face! As my prayer journey began, it was like a huge wall just burst open and the God response was phenomenal. Suddenly I was meeting people and signs were everywhere.

At this time I had only shared the Sedona information with my family, to be sure I had no outside influences on my decision making. One day my sisters & I are clippin coupons to a Saturday show. I turn the page and BOOM! A huge newspaper page with BIG’ole Red Mountains that say,”Begin Your Journey-Arizona”. Immediately tears swell up in my eyes. I show Carley and Caitlin and not even a moment later a commercial comes on TV. The announcer says, “Now is the time. Start your Journey by going to Arizona”. Tears fall as I recall this to you. “God that was you.” It had to be!

Months of experiences like this keep occurring, as I talked to people and all kinds of other things continued to point back to Arizona. Daily there were things that literally punched me in the face (just like i’d asked)! My most recent event was probably my favorite of all. I had been reading through Genesis which I always gets me jealous because of how God speaks so plainly & directly to the people. I began to pray God why don’t you ever speak to me like that? Why wont you give me a chance.

He answered…

A couple came into the coffee shop ordered sandwiches & drinks. Once they had finished eating I asked how everything was and if I could take their plates. The man at the table responded, “Could I give you a word?”. I thought that was an odd way to ask me something. I turned on the grin, thought a little “brace me” prayer and said, “Sure”! “God has told me that he really appreciates your voice”,  he said. “And if you are singing to him alone or in front of everyone, he says he hears you and he loves it.” I am pretty sure I went into a Jesus form of cardiac arrest because my heart stopped. The man continued give me answers and use phrases I had said in prayer or with those I had sought counsel from earlier in the week. Key phrases such as, “I don’t feel like I have it all together.” The man says, “God says, don’t feel like you have to have it all together. God’s got it completely under control.”

I spoke (and cried) with the couple for a good 15-20 mins before they prayed with me. It was during that prayer that I found out the Godest thing… They were from Michigan, never had been to Zion IL, and they were on what they called, “A Spiritual Journey”. God led them to the ho-dunk town of Zion IL… to a coffee shop that is no where near the highway…  on a day I was working and feeling quite anxious about the changes… to speak to me through a man… and tell me that I am alright and going to do, “great things where I am going.”

Do you understand!?! I had never met these people. They were simply going where He led. How amazingly awesome is that. How amazingly awesome is He! To set all of that up so that I could be reassured that I was hearing His Will.

A few months ago, after so much prayer and consideration, I announced to the pastoral staff (IL & AZ) that I believed I was loudly being called and would be taking the leap to Sedona Arizona and joining SummitLIFE ministries. I leave mid August, to have my first Sunday in Sedona August 17.

God has been so good to me during this time of seeking His Will. There is soo much more to this story. So many more God things, so much more than I could ever do. As I say goodbye to each of you, for a time, I ask that you keep me in prayer. Please pray for safety in travel, financial provisions and a heart that is opened to whatever God has in store.

I love you all.

                                                                  <3  Alicia King

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