Posted by David Parker

A whole month has come and gone since our move to Sedona, and TONS has taken place!  (If you want to get caught up, START HERE and then work your way to the present.)  In summary, we’ve met great people, been introduced to some of the nuances and local hangs within the community, engaged with some local bodies of believers, played music with some incredible musicians, booked shows, played shows, had some interesting & “out there” conversations (and overheard even more “out there” conversations), worked through “legalities” relating to a church plant, & dealt with lizards, tarantulas, and GIANT bugs, etc., etc.  A month of getting to know the community is behind us, which means it’s time to move into the “holding hands” phase of our relationship 😉

The “hand-holding” phase will likely involve extending some invites to a variety of folks for some various types of GATHERINGS and PARTNERSHIPS.


GATHERINGS: From weekly gatherings of a growing core group of believers (worship, prayer, teaching, planning, DREAMING), to informal get-togethers with musicians/songwriters/etc., to dinner, to drinks, to…whatever type of gathering provides an atmosphere that makes people feel comfortable enough to share their stories & to grow in AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIP.  Not to mention members of our core taking part in gatherings that are already taking place within the community…a couple of possible examples being Wyldelife and YoungLife.

PARTNERSHIPS: We want to be be a blessing to the community that God’s called us to, which means teaming up with, and taking part in (aka partnering) some great things that are already going on in this community.  Again, I could use Wyldelife and YoungLife as examples, as well as the community sports leagues, school functions, etc., etc.  BECOMING A PART of the community that God’s placed us in!

Another aspect of partnership is inviting others to join hands with us, partnering PRAYERFULLY and FINANCIALLY.  If you’d like to stay informed as to our focused prayer needs, join our GROUP on Facebook!  While you’re at it, FRIEND SummitLIFE!  As for financial support, we definitely need it.  If you’re ready to contribute to SummitLIFE now, SHOOT ME AN E-MAIL and I’ll be happy to fill you in on how to go about partnering with us.  What God has called us to do is so much bigger than the Parker & Holverson families.  It’s going to take many, many more partnerships…partnerships with people like YOU!

So, there’s a little taste of our “Next Steps”.  Thanks for your continued interest, prayers, & partnership.  I’m looking forward to keeping you all informed as to what God is up to with the people of Sedona and this ragtag group of Jesus followers known as SummitLIFE!!!

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