Post Archives

David Parker
December 12, 2011


I’ve got to say, I wouldn’t trade experiences like these in this journey with God for ANYTHING!

March 17, 2011


Man, oh man…  Just another reason for us all to have a touch of a ‘man-crush’ on Pete Wilson & his leadership!  For the full effect, READ PETE’S POST FIRST. Basically, an attendee to CrossPoint (where Pete is Lead Pastor) posted a remark regarding the ‘over-the-top’ use of lights, sound, and video in their services…to […]

March 10, 2011


Creativity often shows up in the margins, in those moments when we least expect it.  This being the case, it’s important that we build margin into our schedules for that very purpose.  If we’re always operating in the ‘Urgent & Important’ quadrant (see Covey’s ’7 Habits…’), we leave no space for unexpected inspiration, and are […]

February 18, 2011


So, I wrote about our upcoming Velocity Conference HERE.  It’s just around the corner, and I’m excited!  As a warm up, I took a 4 hour trek in a 15 passenger van with the Leadership gang from North Point Church to LCU’s Leadership Conference with Dr. Robert Lowery.  Anticipating good stuff! So far it’s been […]

January 19, 2011

The Best Day of My Life!

Have you ever been to a wedding and thought, “Wow, she (the Bride) sure doesn’t look like she’s happy to be here!  I thought this was supposed to be the ‘best day of her life’?!?” No?  Let me to describe it for you: The Groom is beaming, standing before friends and family in tails, patent […]

January 11, 2011


At what point is it ok for a leader to feel that they have arrived?  At what point is it ok for a leader to say, “I’m good with where I’m at.”???  At what point is it ok for a leader to shut down the desire to excel, to shift into neutral and trust that momentum […]

December 13, 2010


Whenever I had a match against a good player, I became a good player…but whenever I had a match against a great player, I became great! If only I could have harnessed the ‘great’ against everybody I played…then I may have landed that 1st man slot.

December 2, 2010

TENSION-BREAKER…had to be done.

Here’s a little ‘All-Day-Staff Meeting’ tension-breaker video for ya… Staff Meeting Tension Breaker

December 1, 2010


I spent a couple of years in the Nashville area, beatin’ the streets, playing my heart (and voice) out, and writing with some great, quality songwriters.  What that experience should have cost in dollars, I paid for in sweat and humility.  There’s no other city that I know of that is so BURSTING with talent, […]

October 20, 2010

Death Of Discernment | Shaun Groves

Death Of Discernment | Shaun Groves. One of these days I’ll write something deep and thoughtful… Until then, I’ll read Shaun Groves.

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