Posted by David Parker

…beginning with ONE WORD, which, when visualized is utilized as a catalyst for the next…which is utilized as a catalyst for the next…which is utilized as a catalyst for the next…(ok, you get the picture) to the 20th power.  Today’s word is “blue”.  On with the exercise (feel free to give it a shot yourself):

1. Blue (makes me think of…)

2. Sky (which makes me think of…)

3. Superman

4. X-ray Vision

5. Black and White

6. Grey

7. Winter Skies

8. Snow

9. Snowman

10. Carrots

11. Peels

12. Carrot Cake

13. My Mother

14. Singing and enjoying life.

15. Brookbank’s Boardwalk in Lake of the Ozarks, MO

16. High School

17. Meeting the Love of My Life

18. My Children

19. Music and Dancing

20. Laughter

This exercise brings to mind 3 great principles:

(1) If we desire to grow and become stronger in an area of our life, it will require exercise, which will require effort.

(2) Each of us was created to be creative (in one fashion or another).  After all, it was the CREATOR of EVERYTHING that created each of us “in His Image” (Genesis 1:26).

(3) Just as in this creative exercise, each moment and each decision that we make in our lives serves as a catalyst for the next.

So, what’s NEXT for YOU?  Are today’s efforts, decisions, & activities going to catalyst you to where you desire to be tomorrow?

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