Posted by David Parker


If you’re a parent, you no doubt remember (or have an idea about) what your child’s first words were.

They likely mimicked something similar to, “Ma-mma,” or, more likely, “Da…,” considering it’s the easier of the two to pull off with limited control over those drooly, baby lips!  Whatever the words were, I’m sure they were powerful to you.  They set your heart soaring…leaving little doubt that your baby Einstein was gonna grow up to be something special!

What about your first words?  Do you remember?  Did your parents ever tell you?  Hmmm… That’s likely a pretty tough one to recall.  I’m certain I don’t remember mine, and I don’t recall my parents ever sharing those words with me.  However, whatever they were, I’m sure they were powerful enough to set my parents’ hearts soaring! (Although, I was number five…maybe the power of #5 is slightly diminished 😉


Let’s see if we can make it a bit more simple.  What about today?  What about this morning?

What were your first words today?  Just like when we were babies, our words are powerful.  With a word God called earth, stars, sky…us into existence.  And we, being created in the image of God, are the only of His creation endowed with the power of words.  So, I’ll ask again, “What about today?”  Were your “first words” filled with life, love, & reassurance, or might they have been words of a different sort?  Whichever they were, know that they were powerful.

For the next 7 Days, let’s strive together to issue words of LIFE, LOVE, & REASSURANCE as our FIRST WORDS of each day!  And may they be powerful, causing the hearts of those we speak them to to soar into a brand new day!


  1. Michelle says:

    How ironic that for many the very first word we say is the one thing we need most. Dada! That’s so cool! We even know as babies!

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