…takes place IN COMMUNITY!!!
I understand how time-consuming, taxing, tiring, monotonous, etc. setting up and tearing down a gathering space can become over time, but I also understand that when folks are serving alongside one another to transform a gathering space, another type of transformation is taking place under the surface: LIFE TRANSFORMATION!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE our SummitLIFE community and the LIFE-TRANSFORMATION that’s taking place (both visible & invisible) as we work, play, serve, and DO LIFE alongside ONE ANOTHER!
Here are some “Before & After” shots of our community transforming “The Elk Room” into SummitLIFE’s Gathering space.
- Before…
- …After
- Before…
- …After
- Before…
- …After
- Before…
- …After
- Before…
- …After
- Ready to Roll!
Pretty cool, huh???
KNOW THIS: These “Before & After” shots of our physical gathering space DON’T COMPARE to the LIFE TRANSFORMATION that’s taking place as week after week we set up and tear down alongside one another.
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