July 3, 2016
It’s fun to ask religious people, “shall we condemn the non-believers?” Because often they will say, “yes” and what did Jesus say when he was here? Jesus said, “no.” Jesus even lived his answer by bringing the non-believers to dinner, going to their parties, & even stopping the jews from stoning the non-believers to death! […]
July 19, 2015
Guest speaker Cameron Pape, of The Refinery in Goodyear, AZ, “touches” us by bringing two of Jesus’ miracles to life from the book of Mark. There is no need to be afraid of whatever life deals us if we just believe!
March 22, 2015
David Parker looks at how we can brave the waves of life and live to tell about it.
March 8, 2015
David Parker takes a light-hearted look at the different types of worries and fears that can overcome our lives.