Wow. A another week is behind us and tons has taken place (from my perspective, anyway)! In Life we often have to make the choice, “Am I going to focus on the half-empty portion of the glass and wonder if I’ve enough to quench my thirst, or am I going to relish in the half-full portion, grateful that there’s still more refreshment to come?” I’m a “glass half-full” sort of guy, so here’s my “glass half-full” reflection on this past week:
- We started our week off by worshiping with the family of believers at Verde Valley Christian Church, where our friends, Scott and Darcy Holverson, have been attending since moving to Sedona this past August. VVCC is located in Cottonwood, AZ, about 20 minutes outside of Sedona. The teaching of Pastor Jim Hammond at Verde Valley is exceptional (from my perspective 😉 ), focusing on the Scriptures & drawing upon historical context to mine out those nuggets of Truth that can so easily be overlooked..and then presenting it in a conversational style. Thanks, Jim!
- I believe it was on Wednesday that we received our approved Articles of Incorporation from the State of Arizona! Yup, SummitLIFE is now officially recognized as a Not-for-Profit Corporation in the State of Arizona! Now we have to publish our approved Articles in a newspaper with regular circulation in our area. I’m a bit concerned regarding the cost associated with that, but trusting that it’s all gonna be good! Next phase: 501(c)3
- I hit another “open mic” on Thursday, this time at Mooney’s Irish Pub in Sedona. I met quite a few cool people, including Eric Williams, a super pianist/musician who was the guest-host for the evening. Turns out Eric shares my affinity for Nashville & songwriting, and I have to admit that I was a bit jealous in hearing that he was headed for Nashville over the weekend! The night did result in another local booking…set for August 10th.
- This past Friday we said our “goodbyes” to our son, Matthew, as he embarked on a mission trip to Mexico with the Students of Verde Valley Christian Church. The trip was planned well in advance of our move, and our friends here in Sedona (the Holversons) had invited Matthew, anticipating in advance his arrival. I’m trusting that Matthew will have the opportunity while on the trip to not only serve the people and orphans of Mexico (the group is serving at an orphanage), but also to begin the journey of building some lasting relationships with some peers from right here in the greater Sedona area. you can catch some pix and updates from the trip HERE. I gotta confess, we are looking forward to having him back home this coming Saturday 🙂
All in all our family has been meeting people, learning about the local hang-outs and hang-ups, trying to get our footing in a new home, neighborhood, and rhythm of Life (notice the capital ‘L’), and seeking God’s direction in all of it! We’re confident that greater things are yet to come and are trying not to overlook the “greater things” that are taking place around us and within us every day, be they relationships, lessons, struggles, laughter, etc. Bottom line, we’re doing our best to Live this Life More Abundant!!!
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