In just a few hours the Parker household will come ALIVE with the chatter, joking, wrestling, NERFing and JUST DANCE-ing of the teens & leaders of our StudentLIFE Community! This will mark the first of 3 StudentLIFE summer get-togethers and we’re definitely looking forward to a CRaZy evening!
Speaking of “Summer Get-Togethers,” there are always plenty of opportunities for those within the Community of SummitLIFE to engage with one another as well as with the surrounding community throughout these summer months. Here are a few quick ideas!
COUPLES LIFEgroup!!! Beginning Monday, June 17th at 6PM, the Parker’s will be hosting a LIFEgroup specifically for couples! Can’t make it every Monday? That’s OK! Click here for directions…and show up the weeks you can! You won’t regret it 🙂 Here’s a preview:
THE JAM @ STROMBOLLI’S!!! If you’ve hung out with the Community of SummitLIFE for any length of time, you’ve certainly heard about the jam, so why not drop in?!? It’s an open jam on Thursday nights from 7-10PM. We’re all about Living in Community with Others who don’t know God yet, and this is an opportunity, not only for that, but also to let your hair down and have a great time in community!(Directions)
WEEKLY GATHERINGS at the ELKS!!! Maybe you’re a regular…if so, spread the word! Maybe you’ve heard about us, but you’ve never joined us for a Sunday Gathering…if so, there’s no time like the present! CLICK HERE if you’d like to catch up on what we’ve been chatting about lately, OR just make plans to JOIN US THIS COMING SUNDAY: 9:30am breakfast (it’s FREE!!!) / 10am Gathering (it lasts about an hour). SEE YA THERE!!! (Directions)
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