In week five, David Parker explains grace in the form of an analogy of a Professor (God) giving a test to a His children in life. The final grade of an A is being offered by the Professor and you don’t even need to take the test. Why would the Professor offer a free ride on the final exam?! How does this meet the religious expectations?! To begin to understand grace, one needs to understand there is nothing you can do to earn the A!
The conundrum is that the more things we create for ourselves to do, the more religious we become, the wider the path becomes to destruction. The beginning of renewal is NOT a road of hard work. Neither is renewal the seemingly opposite road of complacency. The words of God do not bring life and freedom if you do not read them!
We have a choice. Do we choose ignorance? “I just want to be spiritual.” Do we choose guilt? “Jesus is ok and everything, but I’m confident that I’ve got to do something about this and earn it for myself.” Finally, do we choose to grace and simply accept that Jesus’ words are as they are, and that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life? Are you a fan or a follower?
Bible References
- Ephesians 2:8 - 9
- Matthew 7:13 - 14
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Romans 12:1 - 2
2corinthians Bible collosians corinthians darkness davidparker ephesians evil fanorfollower God good grace light matthew notafan romans schooloflife
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