Posted by David Parker

…take a walk.

When you take a stand, it causes your muscles tighten up, atrophy being the end result.  When you take a walk, it ensures that your muscles stay loose and flexible, proving them useful in the moments you need them most.

When you take a stand, you expect people to meet you where you’re at.  When you take a walk, you tend to bump into people where they’re at.

When you take a stand, there’s a tendency to become territorial, protecting your space at all cost.  When you take a walk, the odds are pretty high that you’ll find yourself crossing another’s territory, and you just might get the privilege of inviting them to take a walk with you!

When you take a stand, you reflect the rigid, unbending lifestyle of the religious leaders of Jesus’ day [a.k.a. the Sadducees & Pharisees].  When you take a walk, you reflect the lifestyle of Jesus Himself.

Who are you walking with?

CLICK to join a LIFEgroup today…and we’ll take a walk  together.

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