Posted by David Parker


“…then EVERYTHING is driving vision.”

Vision, the process by which our eyes gather light, determine shapes, and communicate images to our brain, is complex.  It’s so complex, in fact, that unless you’ve been educated in the specifics of optometry by a professor or doctor that specializes in the field, you’ll likely only “get it” at a surface level.

Vision, however, as it pertains to direction and where are we going MUST be simple and attainable to every individual within a specific group.  If it’s not, they’ll either slowly slip away, seeking community elsewhere, where they “get” the vision and feel that they can take part in fulfilling it, OR the community at large will be highly ineffective at accomplishing anything worth accomplishing.

This past Sunday, those in the community of SummitLIFE hiked together to the top of Sugarloaf, one of the many mountains that overlooks the beautiful community of Sedona.

We stood above the city and reflected on Jesus’ words regarding Jerusalem:

“O Jerusalem…how often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you
wouldn’t let me (Matthew 23:37 NLT).”

…and we were reminded that God has that same heart for the people of Sedona.  He longs to draw them to Himself…to gather His children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings.  We were reminded that He has called each one of us into community with Himself & One Another that we might join with Him in welcoming the community of Sedona into community with God…one LIFE at a time.  Simply put, that’s the vision of SummitLIFE.  Care to join us?

One Response to “If VISION Isn’t Driving Everything…” Part 1

  1. Pingback: “If VISION isn’t Driving Everything…” Part II |

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