Post Archives

David Parker
December 10, 2015

FREE KidsLIFE Movie Night!!!

December 10, 2015

SummitLIFE’s December 2015 Happenings!!! (Pass it on…)

October 6, 2015


It seems most of our greatest questions are born out of the same desire – to understand the Divine’s will for our lives.  We want to avoid making a bad choice or the wrong decision, so many of us look to God for direction.  But how can we know the mind of the Divine?  Summitlife’s […]

September 18, 2015

PRAISE in the PUB!

    TRUE or FALSE: It is said that some of the hymns sung solely in churches today were originally written to the tune of old pub songs?!? (scroll down for answer) TRUE!!! In honor of that historical (or non-historic?) tidbit, we, the Community of SummitLIFE, are taking the songs BACK INTO THE PUB!  Let’s raise our voices […]

August 21, 2015


CREATIVITY > the status quo God created Mankind in His very own image…which means that we, like God, are instinctively CREATIVE beings?!? So, why is it that we get stuck in ruts? It’s time to take of the “creative steering wheel” and BREAK OUT! Looking for a bit of momentum in your LIFE?!?  Some ways […]

July 23, 2015


We all experience times in our lives when we have a tendency to drift. Without quality time, we drift from our spouses. When our workload is too heavy, we drift from family. When we’re overwhelmed with guilt, we drift from community. And when everything is peachy, we drift from God. How can we avoid drift? […]

July 10, 2015

WET-n-WILD(ly successful!!!)

If a picture is worth a THOUSAND WORDS, then what’s THIS worth?!? A HUGE THANK YOU a great bunch of VOLUNTEERS, a great bunch of GENEROUS DONORS, & most importantly, a GREAT BUNCH OF KIDS!!! “…because KIDS MATTER!!!” [Pass it ON!!!]

June 12, 2015

It’s ALL about COMMUNITY!!!

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 1000 times!  “It’s ALL about COMMUNITY!” COMMUNITY is where FRIENDSHIPS ARE BIRTHED. COMMUNITY is where NEEDS ARE MADE KNOWN & MET. COMMUNITY is where TRANSFORMATION BEGINS. COMMUNITY is where LIFE MORE ABUNDANT LIVES! “It’s ALL about COMMUNITY,” so WE’RE ALL about COMMUNITY! That being said, here are […]

June 1, 2015


YESTERDAY was a unique Gathering, indeed!  It was initially planned to be unique in that we were exercising and teaching SummitLIFE’s value of SIMPLICITY by scaling back a bit…a couple acoustic guitars, less bells and whistles, and MUCH less set-up & tear-down. It was the final week of our series, HOME RUN LIFE, and the focus was […]

May 30, 2015


…in the BALANCE! There are TWO RULES to balancing ANYTHING: RULE #1: Having a PROPER REFERENCE POINT Let us run with endurance the base path Coach has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the Team Captain who initiates and perfects our game. ~Instruction via a letter to the Hebrew […]

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