Posted by David Parker


The Fonz (circa 1974-84) had a way with words, didn’t he?!?  He was as cool as cool could be…never dropped a dime in the jukebox, always had a chic (or two) on his arm, black-leather-jacket…’nuf said.  All the guys on Happy Days wanted to be like the Fonz, after all, he was pretty much, “Perfectamundo!” But let’s face it…perfection is always just out of reach, isn’t it?  Answer: YES

“Excellence is an Attitude” is a phrase that I adopted while serving as Creative Arts Director at North Point Church north of Chicago.  Too often, we strive for perfection, and come out on the other side frustrated and disheartened.  Why?  Excellence is achievable, perfection???…not so much.  The reality is that there are a number of things that we have complete control over in whatever it is that we do, but at the same time, there are an unlimited number of potential anomalies.  Now, I truly LOVE it when a plan comes together: when the band nails it…when the transitions are just right…when the teaching is spot-on…when things are excellent…and I’ve seen it and been a part of it time and time again!  As for perfection, I’ll let ya know when I experience it…after all, I’ve been at this (performing, teaching, production, etc.) for years and have yet to witness that (with the possible exception of Cirque de Sole’s Love = WOW!  Though I’m sure it never comes off exactly they way that their production crew desires).

Enter SummitLIFE:  While I’ll personally continue to strive for excellence in all that I do, never expecting perfection, one of my FAVORITE things about the the culture of SummitLIFE is that it truly is “all about Community!”  This past weekend was a prime example!  We’ve been introducing new elements into our gatherings on a weekly basis, each element being utilized as a tool for excellence.  Well, the reality is, any time you introduce something new (especially when it comes to technology), you’re introducing certain anomalies along with it…things that you’re either unaware of or have no control over (thanks to automatic updates, virus software on PCs, electrical surges or outages, etc., etc.).  With 41 joining our Community Gathering this past Sunday, nearly everything went wrong (from a technological perspective).  Perfection?!?  FAR FROM IT!!!  Excellence?!?  There were moments, but ultimately…nope.  However, in the end, it was mission accomplished!!!  How can that be, you ask?  I suppose you’d have to experience it yourself to understand, but the bottom line is, when it comes to SummitLIFE, IT’S ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY!  We EAT TOGETHER…WORSHIP TOGETHER…LEARN TOGETHER…PRAY TOGETHER…and DREAM TOGETHER, with the goal of, “Welcoming the Community of Sedona into Community with God…One LIFE at a Time!”

TOGETHER, we’ll continue to strive for excellence in our lives, resting in the perfection that’s found in Christ alone, and TOGETHER, when all is said and done, I trust that we’ll hear those words that are found in the Bible in Matthew 25:23… Allow me to paraphrase:


2 Responses to PERFECTAMUNDO!

  1. Lawrence Andre says:

    Amen with excellence over perfection…BTW, I loved LOVE when I saw it a few years ago. I have it on my bucket list to take my son to see it and imagine what is possible. I’ll throw a couple more AMENs your way for that shout out to an inspiring show!

    • David Parker says:

      “Love” is DEFINITELY an AMAZING show! Watching it was like watching a fantasy…you’d find yourself caught up in it and then think, “Wait a minute! How in the WORLD are they doing these things?!?”

      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to y’all! Great to hear from ya 🙂 In the event that you and Henry hit the Vegas Cirque show, you’re only 4 1/2 hours from us. I’m thinking that’d be worth the drive 😉

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