Message Archive

July 24, 2016

Foundation Red – Week Seven

Foundation Red - Week Seven

Ever compared your resume to Jesus’?  Jesus turned water into wine.  Jesus told a woman about her past, but he didn’t even know her.  Jesus healed a kid who was near death.  He made a crippled person walk.  He fed 5000 families w/ a single loaf of bread and two fish.  Jesus walked on water, […]

July 19, 2016

Foundation Red – Week Six

Foundation Red - Week Six

Jesus said three things.  Come, follow, and He’ll do the rest. Even to this day, Jesus’ invitation to come & follow him, remains the same.  No prerequisites or perfection required!

July 10, 2016

Foundation Red – Week Five

Foundation Red - Week Five

Ever get that feeling that something is wrong?  You know that something is wrong?  You ask, “is everything OK?!” You barely need to turn on the TV or open Facebook  to KNOW that something is wrong in these United States.  We can also recognize that this was predicted to occur a LONG LONG LONG time […]