You Say Church – I Say Family (Week Two)
David Parker
Every family has things that characterize them. Some families are great at celebrating. Some are good at loving each other. Others are good at cleaning, etc. As the family of the church, we would hope that there are good things that characterize us in abundance. Yet somehow we still hurt others when we don’t mean […]
Sedona Smorgasbord – Week Two
David Parker
The Spiritual realm of Sedona really does exist. Yes, angels & demons are real. Biblical prophecy is real, Google it! There is a kingdom of light and a kingdom of darkness, constantly in battle with one another, AND we know that the kingdom of light wins! Then how do we still struggle with the size […]
Greater Than – Week Five
Jack Ernst
In week five of our Greater Than series Jack Ernst, a member of the Community of SummitLIFE, shares openly how his more recent decisions to be transparent are greater than his past decisions to be secretive. Jack also reveals that transparency is so much greater than secrecy, that it is even a matter of life […]