Have you ever had a time when you thought you had everything under control, but then something exploded all over your life and everyone around you?
David Parker begins the first week of our Marvel at God series by looking at Iron Man and how, like him, we need something to prevent the shrapnel in our lives from reaching our hearts and killing us.
David Parker concludes the Home Run Life series by taking a look at what it looks like to cross home plate.
David Parker presents two rules for achieving balance in life, ultimately leading to third base in a home run life; the base of success!
Scott Holverson provides some coaching on how to move into scoring position in life and win with other people.
David Parker talks about adjusting our approach to life as the first steps toward a victorious life.
David Parker kicks off a new teaching series by talking about the bases of life and how we can run them with purpose and success.
David Parker finishes up the “I Don’t Know What I Believe” series with a challenge for how we approach God.
David Parker digs deeper into what it means to “know” something and explains why Christianity isn’t really about that.
Are you living in Stone World? David Parker provides some clues and explains why the alternative is so much better!
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