Posted by David Parker

Jeremiah and his friend get matching hornet tattoos!

Yesterday, my son, Jeremiah, and his friend, Simon, decided to pass some time by initiating an attack on a backyard hornet’s nest.  If you look closely at the picture, you can see the result 🙂  Ouch!

True, they should have known better, but I suppose we’re ALL like that from time to time.  Most of the time we avoid the hornets at all cost, but occasionally we’ll decide to engage…whether it’s because we’re tired of being ‘on the lookout’ every time we venture into the backyard, we’re concerned for the safety of our family, or we just feel the need to conquer and put an exclamation point on the ‘…and let them rule over…’ statement found in Genesis.

Honestly, whatever your occupation and whatever your lot in life, you know about hornets.  You know the potential harm that can befall you if you disturb their nest, but you also know that sometimes hornets have to be dealt with.  What are some of the hornets in your life?  Is it time to deal with them, or is it best to let them be?

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