Have you ever been to a wedding and thought, “Wow, she (the Bride) sure doesn’t look like she’s happy to be here! I thought this was supposed to be the ‘best day of her life’?!?” No? Let me to describe it for you:
The Groom is beaming, standing before friends and family in tails, patent leather shoes, pressed shirt, lapels & tie…spared no expense. You can smell the fresh-cut flowers from wherever you’re seated, and the candelabras are glowing a brilliant white. Rays of sun beam through the arched stained-glass windows of the ornate cathedral…a beautiful scene. The Bridal Party has carried out their duties, walked the isle in the presence of hundreds that are gathered, dressed for the special occasion. The heavy oak doors at the back of the chapel open and the Bridal March begins to play. All in the room stand in anticipation of the arrival of the Bride. She appears in the doorway…a beautiful white gown, flowing with pearls and lace…a train drapes long behind her. There are flowers pinned in her hair and all gaze in stunned silence as she glides upon an isle of rose-petals. She reaches her destination, and standing in the presence of her Groom her veil is lifted…
Now, I realize what we’re all expecting to hear: ‘…her veil is lifted, revealing the bright, dreamy longing in her eyes. Her lips broaden in a smile and a tiny tear full of love rolls down her cheek. It’s caught and then gently brushed away by the hand of her beloved. She’s dreamed of this moment, and it has finally arrived…the BEST DAY OF HER LIFE.’
But, our story proceeds a bit differently:
…her veil is lifted, revealing a blank expression that emotes confusion as well as a bit of concern from her Groom. He gazes into her eyes trying to win her attention, but she does not reciprocate…instead, her eyes look to the floor and then to a distant window, her thoughts wandering. He takes her hands in his, squeezing them gently to reaffirm his love for her, but her demeanor remains unchanged… Has her love for him dwindled? Is this not what she has dreamed and planned for? Is he not the ONE she desires?
I confess, this is kind of a downer story. And, honestly, I’ve never experienced it either…at least not in the setting described above. I HAVE, however, in another setting, experienced it time and again (and I have, I’m ashamed to say, played the role of the ‘disinterested, inattentive Bride’ more often than I’d like to admit).
You see, WE (the Church) ARE the Bride of Christ. Each Sunday (and honestly every day) WE have the privilege of walking the isle on a path of rose-petal droplets of Christ’s blood shed for us, and standing in the presence of our Groom, our Beloved. What expression do WE offer as the veil is lifted? Do we match His gaze, giving Him our undivided attention, or are we considering what we might be doing for lunch when services are over? Are we standing in awe at the glory of the Groom, or are we simply going through the motions of the ceremony? Are we TRULY lifting our voices and pouring our strength and energy into our worship, or are we standing (or sitting) expressionless, our mind gazing out a distant window? Are our hands LIFTED in an effort to reaffirm His grip upon our lives, or do they hang cold and limp at our sides? WE ARE THE BRIDE. HE IS THE GROOM. And though the final wedding banquet has yet to take place, we have the privilege of rehearsing for it week-in and week-out as we gather for worship.
Although it’s likely that I will from time to time, I pray that I never play the role of the disinterested and inattentive Bride ever again. Rather, I pray that each time I enter into worship, I’m wholly attentive and wholly present, as if it’s the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.
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