Follow Week 5

Follow July 30, 2023 What does it really mean to lay your life down for another? Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Mark 8 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Follow Week 4

Follow July 23, 2023 Find out what good Christians should be wearing!!! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Colossians 3:12-13 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Follow Week 3

Follow July 16, 2023 Do not let Fear of the Past,Fear of Today, or Fear of the Future stop you from following Jesus! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Matthew 10:16-20 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Follow Week 2

Follow July 9, 2023 What phase of following Jesus are you in? Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Matthew 4:18-22 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Follow Week 1

Follow July 2, 2023 Basis of our Belong before you Believe! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Matthew 9:9 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Just a Stick

Just a Stick June 18, 2023 Moses did it with just a stick! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Exodus 3:11 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Miracles Week 3

Miracles June 4, 2023 Because Miracles exist, you can allow yourself to HOPE again! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: John 3:7 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Miracles Week 2

Miracles May 28, 2023 Because Miracles exist, you can allow yourself to HOPE again! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: John 3:7 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Miracles Week 1

Miracles May 21, 2023 Because Miracles exist, you can allow yourself to HOPE again! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: John 3:7 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Fruit Forward

Fruit Forward May 14, 2023 The Greatest Deception of all has nothing to do with the New Age philosophy or the occult. Rather, it’s the idea that we can represent and preach Christ while being… Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: John 3:7 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Make It Fun Week 3

Make It Fun April 30, 2023 Fun is meant to be part of our relationship with God! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Psalm 116 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Make It Fun Week 2

Make It Fun April 23, 2023 Fun is meant to be part of our relationship with God! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Psalm 116 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Now that we’re meeting in person, we’re excited to see you as long as you feel healthy and are not at high risk for infection. Otherwise, please join us live online!

Masks are required. If you can’t wear a mask for some reason, please feel free to join us and do what you can to consistently maintain the social distancing guideline of 6 ft.

Also, we ask that you not congregate near the entrance and leave two seats between your group and any other groups seated in a row.

SummitLIFE is ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY, but the following things that are normally such an important part of our gatherings are TEMPORARILY suspended:

  • Hugs and Handshakes
  • Coffee and Snacks
  • Community Time (aka Meet and Greet)
  • KidsLIFE
  • Our cushioned chairs (Plastic sanitizes SO easily)

For those who prefer in-person giving, the Giving Bucket and envelopes will be available. It’s BYOP (Bring Your Own Pen)!

We’ve missed our SummitLIFE community and our guests. WELCOME BACK!