Keep The Change Week 3

Keep The Change January 24, 2021 Hear Consistently Act Instantly Speak Carefully Serve Constantly Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Nehemiah 13 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Keep The Change Week 2

Keep The Change January 17, 2021 The Change you need might not be the Change you want! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: James 1:21-17 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Keep The Change Week 1

Keep The Change January 10, 2021 It’s a new year and it is time for us to Rise Up1! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: 1 Peter 1:3-7 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Rise Up

Rise Up January 3, 2021 It’s a new year and it is time for us to Rise Up1! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: 1 Peter 1:3-7 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

The Gift Week 3

The Gift December 20, 2020 The Ultimate King! Jesus!! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Matthew 2:10-11 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

The Gift Week 2

The Gift December 13, 2020 The real raw reason for the season! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Matthew 2:10-11 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

The Gift Week 1

The Gift December 6, 2020 The greatest GIFT of all time! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Matthew 2:10-11 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Don’t Forget To Remember Week 2

Don’t Forget To Remember November 29, 2020 Desperation will Open doors that Complacency keeps shut! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Mark 5:21-43 Service Type: Sunday Online Only

Don’t Forget To Remember Week 1

Don’t Forget To Remember November 22, 2020 Compassion is where CARE and ACTION collide! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Mark 8 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

MasterMind Week 4

MasterMind November 15, 2020 Remember: Your Life moves in the direction of your strongest thoughts! So, ‘Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Philippians 4:6-9 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

MasterMind Week 3

MasterMind November 8, 2020 Train your Mind and reframe your view. We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we frame it and respond! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

MasterMind Week 2

MasterMind November 1, 2020 Train your Mind to overcome your roadblocks to a closer relationship with Jesus! Speaker : Wendy Hudson Passage: Philippians 4:8 Service Type: Sunday AM West Sedona School

Now that we’re meeting in person, we’re excited to see you as long as you feel healthy and are not at high risk for infection. Otherwise, please join us live online!

Masks are required. If you can’t wear a mask for some reason, please feel free to join us and do what you can to consistently maintain the social distancing guideline of 6 ft.

Also, we ask that you not congregate near the entrance and leave two seats between your group and any other groups seated in a row.

SummitLIFE is ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY, but the following things that are normally such an important part of our gatherings are TEMPORARILY suspended:

  • Hugs and Handshakes
  • Coffee and Snacks
  • Community Time (aka Meet and Greet)
  • KidsLIFE
  • Our cushioned chairs (Plastic sanitizes SO easily)

For those who prefer in-person giving, the Giving Bucket and envelopes will be available. It’s BYOP (Bring Your Own Pen)!

We’ve missed our SummitLIFE community and our guests. WELCOME BACK!